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G's Spots

Georgia Massie-Taylor
Portrait of Georgia Massie-Taylor
about me

Whilst trying to make this sound as little like a dating agency ad as possible:

Born and bred London, I am a 26 year old English and Philosophy Graduate turned Innovation Consultant, currently working that 9to5 in the city. I like food, a lot. I like getting out and about, (pina coladas... getting caught in the rain...) and I like trying new things. A few years ago I decided to poke my nose out of the South London comfort blanket I grew up in to discover what this fantastic city has to offer. Whilst doing all these great things someone asked me 'why don't you write a blog?' - so here it is, a sharing of my findings.

I hope you enjoy my rambles, and if you have any questions about any of the things you see here, please don't hesitate to reach out (I'm really nice).  

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