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Kite Day

Streatham Common

12 MAY 2019


Every year, the somewhat niche skill of professional kite flying come to Streatham Common. A community run event, it draws local crowds and hoards of children to the incredibly pleasant green space for a fun day out with lots to see and do. The day is set to a backing track of live music by various bands, signing old classics to get you in good spirits. Various stalls and tents distribute a range of food and drink (think hog roasts, pizza, veggie delights), and there's even a bar to enable parents to enjoy their Sunday in the sunshine just as much as the over-excited children running rings around them.

Kite flying is something which requires certain specific conditions, namely a large outdoor space (tick), sunshine to draw the crowds (tick), and a load of wind - which, unfortunately, the day was slightly lacking. Despite unideal wind conditions, the professionals set up camp at the bottom of the hill and had their masterpieces flying all day, whilst further afield us general population struggled to get lift off. There were a couple of chaps selling 'the smallest kites in the world' for £4, which must have made a killing from all the unassuming children making their rents fork out for essentially a piece of paper attached to a string.

A truly wholesome and heart-warming day where you can go and be a big kid again. We went purely as observers, to enjoy our surroundings and laugh at the numerous struggles to take flight. Overall, a great idea for a fun and free family day out!


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