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Kensington Roof Gardens

A Night of Motown 21 JANUARY 2017 £15

I had bought tickets for the roof gardens after seeing that black Friday 50% off tickets were on sale on (if you haven't checked this website out - do). Described as a 'luxurious and exotic Spanish garden', KRG seemed a perfect place to escape from the January blues, even if it was sub zero temperatures outside.

When we arrived at the venue it became clear that we were probably the youngest there. This was no issue and actually made a refreshing change! It was great to see the elder generation having a boogie, and the night itself was probably aimed at a older audience anyway. Unfortunately, all of the gardens were not open, but the area of them that was was beautiful. Granted, it was dark so we couldn't see their full effect, it was also freezing meaning one didn't want to stay outside for too long. If I was to return, or advise someone else on the venue it would be come on a Summer evening, where it stays lighter for longer and you can appreciate both the views and your surroundings a bit more.

The venue had a live band playing motown classics all night. The band were great, however the temperature outside meant that everyone was inside, somewhat crammed into the only dancefloor of the venue. Whatsmore, the dancefloor was more narrow than wide, meaning that only those at the very front could actually see the band performing - and the sound I personally found not loud enough to extend satisfyingly back to the bar (I'm sure some of the older party-goers would agree).

Before going, we were fully aware that the drinks would not be on the cheap side, but I don't think we were prepared for just how expensive they would be. For starters, the cocktails, although very nice, were £13 a pop. This we accepted and got two each (try the Papa Bear and the Pink Flamingo), however when wanting to ramp things up a gear and get some shots in we were greeting with a £20 bill... for two shots. That's £9 a shot and £1 service charge on each of those. Ridiculous. We promptly sent them back. The bar man was not impressed, and although he made a mean cocktail he also left quite a sour taste in our mouths.

Overall, the idea for the evening was great, and it allowed what is usually a 'members only' club to be open to the public. However, I'm not in any rush to return to Kensington Roof gardens, unless it was during summer and I had smuggled in a hip flask full of booze which won't break the bank.


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